This Proven Method Will HALF YOUR MORTGAGE Without Paying $1 Extra... EVER!

In Today's Free Masterclass...

Secret #1

People see over 4,000 ads a day! See how YOU can shine above all of them!

Secret #3

Witness how just by using these exact words you can literally sell anything, to anyone - anytime!

Secret #2

Learn how to create an offer so good, that people will actually fear missing it!

Secret #4

The ONE main reason people are not opening your emails.
Corporate Credit

Half Your Mortgage [$9,997 Value]

Learn how to cut your mortgage in half in time and save up to 87% on your total interest payments! If you've ever wondered how to own 3-4 homes free and clear within 30 years - this is how you do it! Real estate investors will have a 'hey-day' in every economic climate with the ability to pay less for any loan and utilize other parts of this program to turn a $500K investment into $10M within 30 years!

The 7 Scams of Every Mortgage [$497 Value]

EVERY mortgage contains multiple in-built scams (junk fees, MIP, MI, escrow, etc.) inside of each contract you sign? It's a harsh reality we all have to face, but you'll learn the tricks and how to avoid them - forever! If that doesn't deliver insane value, then you'll at least walk away never looking at a mortgage in the same way. You'll learn the truth of the entire banking system and the wool that has been pulled over our collective eyes!
Personal Liability
Corporate Credit Optimization

HELOC Secrets [$1,997 Value]

It's not just any old HELOC that works with this strategy. That's why learning the secrets of virtually every HELOC (despite the variety available) and how you can find the perfect equity line for your situation. Whether you're learning about interest rate immunity, how to avoid 100% of all freezes and calls, AVM vs appraisals or The Rule of 72, you'll be able to operate a HELOC in both the best and worst economic times - and profit!

Bank Questionnaire [$1,997 Value]

Ever wonder what questions you need to ask a banker who doesn't realize what a HELOC is or how it can work to pay off your mortgage faster - certainly needs to be COACHED on how to create this financial vehicle for you! Whether you choose a bank from our list or you want to look around elsewhere - this questionnaire will get any loan officer on the same page with you and have you set up in the correct HELOC - first time!
Corporate Credit List
Corporate Credit Loans

Our Secret Bank List [$4,997 Value]

We've vetted over 1000+ banks and had to cut over 90% of them because of our tight standards and requirements when it comes to delivering the best rates and HELOCs for our students. This list alone is worth the price of admission, and it is constantly updated so you are a lifetime member with the ability to see what the best banks are years from now!

Real Estate Investing Secrets [$7,997 Value]

HELOCs can be a perfect investing opportunity due to the leverage created when you save up to 87% on interest payments, have variable payments, potentially lower interest rates and so much more! That's why we've outlined the proper LTVs, requirements and actions to take whether you want to: purchase investment properties, rentals, vacation homes and even house flipping!
Corporate Website Template
Corporate Credit Loans

Private Banking Secrets [$14,997 Value]

What if we could take any HELOC equity available and turn it into a 4.5% guaranteed return on investment - and even found ways to push that up to potentially 11% return on investment year after year? Then you're putting any spare money to work for you while earning amazing yields. If that weren't enough, the private banking program allows you to withdraw up to 100% of the investment for 100% liquidity. So if you want to invest in additional things, you'll receive a guaranteed rate of return while keeping full liquidity.

High Credit Secrets [$3,997 Value]

Anyone with a credit score under 640 will benefit greatly from the credit secrets shared inside. With the ability to increase your credit score by 100 points in 100 days, there is a certain ability to qualify for even the most stringent HELOCs. In turn, a higher credit score will have the bank issue lower interest rates - huge savings!
Corporate Website Template
Corporate Credit Loans

Boost Your Score 50-100 Points in 30 Days [$997 Value]

Did you realize there is an even faster way to boost that credit score up and get approved for a greater variety of HELOCs within 30 days of starting this program? It's true, and the secret only costs $20-$30 a month to implement. Even better, as time rolls on you'll increase your credit score further and further.

Offset Account Secrets [$2,497 Value]

This single bonus will increase the speed in which you pay off your HELOC by an average of 20%! So if you were going to pay off a HELOC in 5 years, with these secrets you'll reduce that to 4 years. If that weren't amazing, then you haven't been paying attention to how fast a loan can be repaid with this strategy!
Corporate Website Template
Corporate Credit Loans

HELOC Hyperdrive Strategy [$3,997 Value]

The Hyperdrive Strategy is not for everyone because it requires you to change your lifestyle for 70-80% of the recommendations; however, it will boost how fast your HELOC is paid off by an average of 43%!!! Thankfully, we've added a few strategies that don't require too much of a lifestyle change, but are more of an investment with a single year ROI between 100% and 1200%, thus allowing anyone to pay a HELOC off even faster.
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